Trikaay homoeopathy

What is Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a safe, gentle, and natural system of healing that works with your body to relieve symptoms, restore itself, and improve your overall health. It is extremely safe to use, even with very small children and pets, has none of the side effects of many traditional medications, is very affordable, is made from natural substances. It is used to treat acute illnesses, like colds, ear infections, migraines, and sore throats, as well as chronic conditions, like asthma, depression, autism, and arthritis.Homeopathic medicines known as remedies are made from natural sources (e.g., plants, minerals), and are environmentally friendly and cruelty free. Homeopathic remedies when used as directed, are completely safe for everyone including pregnant and nursing women, infants, children, and adults. They are given in such small doses that they dont cause side effects.

History of Homeopathy

The Law of Similars has been documented since at least the time of Hippocrates (ca. 400 B.C.), but it is Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German doctor and chemist, who is credited with founding homeopathy. He discovered the truth of the Law of Similars by testing small doses of medicine on himself. By 1900, about twenty percent of doctors in the United States were homeopaths, but due to various political and social changes, homeopathy became relatively unknown in the US until recently. There is wider acceptance of homeopathy in such countries as France, Germany, Mexico, Argentina, India and Great Britain. In fact, the family doctor to England's Queen Elizabeth is a homeopathic physician. In fact, the World Health Organization estimate that it is currently practiced by over 500 million people worldwide.

Homeopathy: Ideal for Infants and Children

Most of the children ailments like Cold, Cough, Fever, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic,Tonsillitis, Bronchitis, Asthma, Measles, Chickenpox, Mumps, Dentition problems, etc., could be very effectively and quickly treated with homeopathy without producing any side effects whatsoever. Unlike antibiotics and other such medicines, homeopathic pills do not hamper digestion, or lower body's resistance. Neither do they cause any allergies nor cause any damage even if taken over a long period. Children, willingly ingest homeopathic pills being sweet in taste. Indeed, homeopathy is child-friendly! Besides, homeopathy is effective also in temperament and behavioral problems seen commonly in children like irritability, obstinacy, temper-tantrums, fears, phobias, destructiveness; and thumb- sucking, nail biting, bed-wetting; as well as in mentally and physically backward children.